Went out with Ja today!!! Irritating Ja made us pose like crazy fellas doing mad stuff in public... so paiseh. Thank god I'm thick-skin... if not.. how to live it down?! Anyway this picture is just the start of a series of pictures of mad girls playing around with the camera. This is Yingci, err.. digging her nose.

That's me.. errr... looking for money in Ja's bag. Eh I just realised taking pictures in Sepia and black and white is good.. you don't even need to use photoshop.. pimples just miraculously disappear! Eh.. wait.. how come my hair looks so messy.. damn.. forgot to comb before Ja took the pic!!

The 4 mad girls. How come Ja has stars on top of her head!? Not fair! I wanna change positions!

Ja thought to herself: This auntie looks honest. Don't think she will run off with my camera. So she went up to this auntie, gave her most charming smile and said,"Auntie auntie, can you take a picture of the 5 of us? Thank you!"

URGH! My lover eloped with Ja! And got caught! Still dare to gimme that forlorn face?! Gonna punish you tomorrow!

This is revenge! I stole my lover's lover away from her! Ja is my new fling! Until she returns to UK! I always told you guys I wanna find a doctor as my life partner right? Now that KX is taken, I shall place all my hopes on Ja! Wahahaha!

Oh Dr Ho wanna be my life partner too? Errr.. a bit overwhelmed. Ok I've decided. Mondays, wednesdays and fridays, I shall accompany Dr Jacinth Tan. Tuesdays, thursdays and fridays, I shall accompany Dr Ho. WHAT?! SUNDAY?! Don't too greedy hor.. sunday is rest day!

As I've always said, short=cute. It's ok to be short.

OK now I look like I'm 168cm. Err wait... aww. shucks!! Forgot to use mspaint to delete the bottom half of the pic! Wait ah.. I delete the bottom half and post tomorrow k? Delete this pic from your mind first. Wait till I edit and post.

These few mad shits think that they are butterflies.. hide in the flower bushes for what?!

Eh whose taste nicer?! Mine mine mine mine!!!

Me with my new squeeze. Err.. sorry that bugs bunny toothy grin was meant to be cute. Muz be the camera. Somehow it can't take cute pictures. Not my fault ah! Really! OK more pics tmr, after Ms Ja has finally uploaded all onto her com and sent them to me.

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