I'm officially BO GEI!!! YAY! I bo wisdom gei already!!!! YAY! I better type this down before it starts hurting like a bitch and all my vulgarities come out. Now the right half of my face is still numb. No feeling! Yay! I can pinch it and poke it like crazy and I feel no pain! Mad sadist. Ok back to my dental experience.
So after much gentle persuasion plus fierce dragging, my mum finally managed to land me inside the dental clinic. Since I was already there, I decided to be more gungho and brave and entered the consultation room with a bright smile. There the nice dentist sat smiling at me (up till the point when the surgery started, he WAS a nice dentist). So I happily sat on the chair and smiled back at him bravely. Then he told me he needed to take an x ray of my teeth. I mean, what harm could that do me?! Chicken feed lar.. therefore I happily sat down to have my teeth x-rayed. I mean, like, HEY! There IS a chance that I do not have to have my teeth extracted right?! If they are growing nicely, why extract?! I mean, like, other than the occasional discomfort, it didn't hurt a lot! Ok I just BET my wisdom tooth is fine.. I'm like, so sure of it! There's absolutely no need to extract it! Dunno why my mum even made me waste my time and money to come here anyway.
5 minutes later.....
Dentist: Ok here, your x ray films.
He puts them onto the light panel thing to show me.
Dentist: This is your top wisdom tooth. At the moment, it looks like it's growing out straight. So we can leave it alone for the moment.
KS thinks to herself: YAY!! I KNEW IT! This is a wasted trip!! YAY! YAY YAY YA......
The dentist's voice cuts into her thoughts: Now we come to the bottom tooth. It is severely impacted. The growth is blocked by your molar, and it can't come out. That's probably what's causing your discomfort.
KS, in a trembling voice: Erm.. so I have to extract it?
Dentist, who's starting to look like Mr Hyde now: Yes.
KS, trying to act brave: Ok. So do I do it today?
Dentist aka Mr Hyde: It's up to you when you wanna do it. But it's fine if you wanna do it today.
KS makes a brave decision: OK I SHALL DO IT TODAY!
Dentist: Ok I shall explain the procedure to you now.
Ok Mr Dentist, there's no point in hiding your face.. I spotted that sinister smile.
Anyway procedure's like this:

Dentist: First I'm gonna cut up your gum, then I'm gonna cut your wisdom tooth into smaller pieces to make extraction easier. Lastly, I'm gonna remove your wisdom tooth and sew up your gum.
KS nods weakly, but thinks to herself: URGH you evil piece of SHIT! You did not have to go into all the gruesome details of how you are gonna chop me up you sadist!!! It's ok.. I shall be a brave girl! I shall face the monster bravely!!!
Dentist: So I'm gonna inject you with the anaesthetic now.
Dentist pokes the 1 inch long needle into my gum. OWWWWWW!!! That hurt!!!!
Dentist, obviously enjoying this, pokes around a few more times. AWWWWW URGH! Piece of evil shit!
KS rubs her eyes. Urgh what's this? How come my vision is blurring?? Wait.. I think far far away, I hear the dentist talking to me about the dangers of surgery, in an attempt to con me into signing some indemnity form in case he kills me, so he can get away with murder. But his voice sounds really far. And wait.. how come my vision is kind of graying? Blurring?! KS shakes her head in an attempt to clear her vision... but instead of having her vision cleared, her breakfast now threatens to exit from her stomach. KS tries to speak, but her speech comes out in a distant mumble," Doc.. Ah think mah head ish sphinning. DIzZzzy.."
Mr Hyde looks kinda flustered now: Hey ok relax. Rest ok. Just rest. Err it happens. Cos you feel very worried when you saw the needle so there was an adrenaline rush, the blood goes to your head. So you feel faint.
HAHA aren't you regretting your previous acts now?! Got you worried didn't I?!
But that was still the subconscious mind of KS talking. The conscious mind of KS has wandered off somewhere distant. Anyway now the subconscious mind of KS starts to find it real funny... like, WALAU u lousy shit KS.. even getting a wisdom tooth extraction also you fainted... and HEY GUESS WHAT?! The surgery hasn't even officially commenced!! EH wake up lar you pig... quick come back.. the conscious mind of KS! Since you already got poked so many times, don't let all that pain go to waste! If you don't wake up now, you have to come back next time to get yourself poked again!
That thought woke KS up with a jolt. KS decides to face the music bravely.
Mr Hyde: Ok please sign this form, and we shall start now.
KS feels like she's signing her death cert. She hears the dentist starting the drill... or something that sounds really unfriendly. Her eyes are blindfolded, her fists are clenched tight. SHIT! She feels like peeing... nononononoooooo she dun wanna wet her pants.
Mr Hyde: The procedure will take about 30 minutes.
And that was the longest 30 minutes in KS's life. She could hear the drill cutting up her gums, hell, she could even FEEL it.. but.. of cos she didn't feel pain. It feels like, half her face was mummified. Darn... she knew... she JUST did.. that it was gonna hurt like a bitch later on (which is NOW as I'm typing this)!! URGH!!
Finally... Mr Hyde's voice spoke again: Ok it's done! Only left with the stitches.
YAY!!!! After Mr Hyde was done with the stitches, KS feels like superman!!! Batman!!! Spiderman!!! She bravely checks out her bloody wisdom tooth, or what remains of it, in 3 pieces. She even took a pic! But is too lazy to post it at the moment. Later, I will post it, the bloody gory pic. Now the tooth is lying on her table nicely, a trophy of her bravery!!!! YAY!!
Urgh.. all my life I always thought I had a high threshold for pain. There was this once, in JC, we had to take stupid blood test for Hep A/B screening. The very act smart KS chooses to go to this middle-aged nurse, thinking that she should be more experienced than those other kiddy looking ones that are helping out. Turns out that she's the lousiest of the lot. She poked the syringe into KS's arm, and used it to dig around, searching for a vein that she claims KS didn't have. While the rest of the people queueing up looked on in horror. DAMN that really hurt!! But I didn't faint! I just kinda cursed and swore a bit.. until the kiddy looking nurse took over and found the vein easily... can you imagine how DUI I was?! But anyway, my point is, I didn't faint that time! So why should I faint now?!
After thinking over it again and again, my final conclusion... it all boils down to that childhood phobia!! Remember?! When you are a kid, your mummy will tell u," Hey girl! Let's go get sweets k?! Let's go shopping!" And then you happily follow her out, only to find out too late that she was bringing you to the dentist's. And from then on, every night you have recurring nightmares of monstrous-looking dentists smiling evilly at you while wielding shiny, unfriendly metal tools. URGH!! And guess what?! These monsters get paid BIG BUCKS for terrorising kids!!! Like today, that dental surgery costs, like, S$500++!!! WAH!!! Why didn't I go be a dentist?! Can let kids have nightmares of me, and can earn big bucks at the same time. GOSH! Why do I feel so cheated? Boohoohoo... gimme back my money!! Gimme back my tooth!! Plant it back in!! Sobz.
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