First in the series of David Attenborough wannabe-KS's Kukup nature photography.. a mudskipper! This lil creature was happily skipping around, err.. actually more like wriggling around.. in the sand when I took the pic on the way to the guesthouse.

Check out this pic.. coolest by far. It was taken at the jetty, near the sea... when it was low tide. It's the pic of a sea snake holding a fish in it's mouth! The poor fish was still wriggling around when I took the picture... too bad.. couldn't and shouldn't save it.. this is nature.

Picture taken on the way to a beautiful mangrove swarm, by boat. Wonder how the ship got there... stranded cos of low tide? Shipwrecked? Hmmmmm.... any smart guesses?

Whoa! Check out that suspension bridge... hanging dangerously and precariously above the water.

Yeah.. the suspension bridge.. only 3 people could cross it at any one time. So scary right? Haiz.. I'm so brave.. I didn't sweat one bit while crossing the bridge!! Clap clap

There there.. finally reached the mangrove swamp after much adventure. There.. this is the greatest gain after the entire Kukup trip.. the beautiful mangrove swamp.. filled with exotic creatures. Urgh.. all that lack of exercise is finally getting to me.. tired out after a short walk to enter the swamp... shit.. how to be a National Geographic photographer or archaeologist like that?! Better train up.

Beautiful right? Okok.. I know.. muz be my photography skills again. Looks not too good in picture... but if you are there in person, I assure u..... u will be awed by mother nature!

Check out these shellfish...

Yeah spot the shellfish! It's that brownish thing!! Sigh.. yeah I already know my photography sucks.. nvm.. it's David Attenborough IN THE MAKING!! Haha!

Really beautiful place... surrounded by lush scenery..

Spot the crab... haiz no need to spot I spotted for u all.. look for that pink arrow. It's juz a tiny crab.. get a magnifying glass

Spot the mud lobster! Just a lil tiny thing... there in the mud... yours truly spotted it for you people too.. look for the pink arrow. Pick up that magnifying glass again. Haha

Spot the mudskipper! This one is of a different species from the previous one.. the stripes on its body is different. But... it's quite cute all the same.. now I finally understand why they are called mudSKIPPERS. HEY! They really SKIP! They hop around in the mud! Haha.. quite cute.

Spot the crab! Shouldn't be too hard to spot huh! The crab has one huge red claw and another tiny one. Yikes! See that piece of junk dumped by some idiot?! Urgh.. humans should really learn to love the environment more.

Horseshoe crab.. at least I think this is one.. shot this pic at a kelong.

Yep this is the kelong! Nice place.. though a bit smelly.

This is some poisonous fish.. the fins at the top of the fish contain very very lethal poison. The smaller the size of the fish, the more lethal the poison.

Guess what this fish is!!!!!!! It's the pufferfish!!!!! K maybe it really do not look like the conventional pufferfish... but it's the less poisonous species. The type the Japanese eat.

Yikes a wriggling pufferfish... I've yet to try pufferfish sashimi... hmmm... hope to try it one day... shucks it's so damn ex..

Check out the sharp teeth of a pufferfish.. it's shaped kinda like a parrot's beak... and it can munch your fingers off your hands if you annoy this fish and is stupid enough to put your hands anywhere near it's mouth while annoying it.

Check out this baby pufferfish... NOooo don't go SOOOO CUTE!!! Cos GUESS WHAT?! It's like much much much much more poisonous than whatever other mummy and daddy pufferfishes! Seems like for many types of fishes, the younger ones tend to be armed with more lethal poison than the adult ones.. hmm.. defensive mechanism?

There.. beautiful Kukup.. seaview. Bye bye! After Kukup, we went to JB where the shoppaholic in KS was unleashed!!!!! The craze lasted till today!!! Will tell you guys more about my shopping gains later on! Sayonara for now!

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