Hola! Our first meal after arriving at Kukup!! Haven't stepped foot into Malaysia for ages... kinda excited to for a tour in Malaysia! Ok yeah I know.. cheap thrill.. haiz..

Check out the houses at Kukup..

Yeah u got it right!! Houses on stilts! Cool sia!!

It's low tide now.. when it's high tide, the sea will rise up to 3/4 of the stilts or more.

It's a long long long walk inside the place itself.. it kinda reminds me of the rural villages in China. This place is real rural too!

Never ending walk...

EH! What's this?! Dried cuttlefish lar.. or you could call them, cuttlefish drying.. or drying cuttlefish.. anyway it's dried cuttlefish in the making. Confused? Yeah I'm kinda confused too.. never mind.

Hmmmmm whose footprints/pawprints/webprints can these be?! Make a guess and tell me! Daddy and I have been debating whether it's pawprints of a dog or webprints of some ducky since yesterday, and we haven't gotten an answer yet.

Check out the fabulous view from our "guest house"!

Real beautiful scenery... absolutely breathtaking I tell u

Wait till u see our "guest house"!

Wah wait.. hey! Waddahell u mean?! Ok.. this guest house is meant to be shared by 16 people.. FANTASTIC! Ain't it great?! I'm soooo sociable I juz love socialising.. the pic u saw juz now was the common area, and this is one corner of the guesthouse.. see that card stuck to the door? That's one of the rooms meant to house 4 people.

Yeah! This is our room! Nice rite.. yeah I know..

Wah! You mean we can even take a peek into our neighbour's room whenever we feel like having a nicely neighbourly chat with them?? How nice! Oh and also, check out the huge lobang at the top right corner of the room! Guess the material used to make the partition between the rooms ran out of stock huh.. Oh and I juz love the mattresses and threadbare blankets! There were 2 in all!! So nice rite?! Oh wait.. I thot we have 4 pple?! Oh my.. they wanna make us more lovey dovey... let's all share the blankets! Cool! This is such a lovely place. Oh wait.. there's even air conditioning! So cool! Literally.

Oh and they are real nice to us, though we had only 4 people with us they gave us the 6 person room! Look! There's even a label to prove it! Oh btw, in case the pictures weren't clear enough, the only way 6 people could possibly squeeze into the room was by sleeping coolie style

Oh why the hell am I complaining.. seriously.. the view more than makes up for it all.. check out the sunset

Look at the sunset and the reflection in the sea! Ok my photography skills aren't exactly real great and all.. but I can assure u.. confirm plus chop.. if you are there, the view will really take your breath away.

That's kinda a makeshift jetty... it's just this narrow plankwood bridge which ends rather abruptly

That's my brother acting cool..

That's how our guest house looks from the "jetty"

Yeah that's me

Our guest house

That's this covered veranda of sorts, between the guest house and the jetty. From there, the view of the sunset is the best. Eh how come cannot see the sunset!? Cos the big fat KS is blocking it lar.. dunno who took this pic.

See the beautiful clouds? No erm... ignore the person at the left of the picture.. he's not standing in the center for an obvious reason.. look at the clouds in the center of the picture!! Nice rite?! NO STOP LOOKING AT MY BROTHER!

Ok now look at the center of the picture. The girl is there for an obvious reason. Look at her. NOOO STOP LOOKING AT THE CLOUDS!

WOW!!! Told u.. it's breathtaking!

OK on to the main attraction of the whole trip... FISHING!!!! Check out the... erm... fisherwoman!!!

OK there's daddy holding the bait... shrimps!! Yummy yum!

See what I mean by the jetty ending abruptly? Yeah.. looks kinda scary rite.. the wooden planks juz stop here.. like.. u might fall over if you don't pay attention.. but being a thrill seeker, I decided to fish here!

Wah who's the scaredy cat wearing orange staring forlornly at the "jetty"? My mummy lar... so scared that she will fall from the jetty that she dared not step out of the veranda

Fisherwoman and daddy! Daddy teaches fisherwoman the ropes!!

OMG MY FIRST FISH!! Less than 5 minutes after throwing in the line! Ok.. I mean, I was holding the fishing rod for a while, then I handed it to my daddy, who immediately shouted," Got one!" And then he reeled in the catfish and we held the rod together for a pic.. But right, since I handed him the rod, it made sense that the fish was biting the bait all the while since I handed him the rod... which also means, it's me who rightfully caught the fish, which means... ok never mind. Just take it that I caught this fish k?

Catfish catfish swimming in the murky sea water

K this is a pic of the jetty from the veranda... very scary meh!? Dunno wat my mummy was thinking sigh..

Nice nice BBQ dinner at night!

Walau.. liddat how to sleep??

URGH DURIANS!! I HATE DURIANS!! Damn I was forcefully brought here by the bus driver... don't they know there's something called human rights?! Human rights my dears!!! I'm gonna go somewhere to sue them!! It's the UN isn't it!? Yeah I'm going there this minute!

Sucks.. durian plantation.. dunno why I even came down the bus haiz.. K that's all for today.. watch out for the David Attenborough special tomorrow! The wildlife at Kukup!

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