Yesterday I brought my grandma for a dental surgery after which I went over to her place, where my two baby cousins were waiting. OK maybe they are not babies.. one is 4 years old and one is 5 years old.. but.. well.. The boy wearing blue in the picture is the 5 year old one.

Yeah that's him again. Kids can be so cute sometimes, until they start to irritate u.. haiz

The girl in pink, 2nd from left. That's the 4 year old one. So yesterday I had 2 babies, erm, I mean young kids, clinging on to me.. and forcing me to play their Mickey Mouse CD-rom on my laptop.. while I was trying to watch Naruto

Bit blur the pic... but that's her alright. After Mickey Mouse, it was Ice Age CD Rom, and later the Barney CD Rom... so you see poor KS being tortured by 2 kids.. whose added ages are not even half her age. "Jie jie.. let's play this game! It's the coloring game! This is a bit hard, you have to color the shark, the water, and the fishes all different colors. "
"Jie jie I teach u.. for this game, u have to decorate the aquarium with the seashells, the treasure chest, and the divers."
"Jie jie.. this game is fun too.. come let's play!"
Let me off... I buy u 2 all the sweets and ice creams u wan.... anything but putting me thru all this torture again... walau.. no no.. I hate barney.. and I hate mickey... and NO no ice age for me! NOOOOOOO!

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