Japan special Japan special... starting with this guy Domoto Koichi! 1/2 of Kinki Kids... yeah.. of cos.. the better looking half.. dun even ask about Tsuyoshi..

Bishonen Koichi bishonen bishonen bishonen... I have a fetish for bishonen!!! Tie rmr last time in sec sch we were always crazy about these pple? All the Wink Up mags etc etc.. all the Johnny Juniors... yeah.. I'm not much updated from that time.. Not very Jap-crazy now.. but still find these boy boys cute! Haha

Oohhh Glay!!!! They are sooo coooooool!!

Glay!!! Haha.. k I noe I noe.. many pple are sharpening their knives waiting to kill me now.. in clude this band into my special.. eh but u can't deny a few of them are cute lar... at least 2 of them in this pic..

This one.. L'arc En Ciel.. means rainbow in French I think... another J rock band.. they are real cOOOooooOOll!!

The most famous guy in the band.. Hyde. Haha.. okok I shall stop all the J rock stuff now k.. after Hyde. Haha.. eh thank ur lucky stars I decided not to include Gackt k Ms Tie.. I sense u cursing me.. and I also decided not to include that Wandai wang wang's idol. Haha..

Yeah.. I noe I noe.. this is more like it rite? He's the guy who acted in this sushi drama.. his name.. Kashiwabara Takashi.

But one thing.. girls.. think we should all go knock our heads against the wall or someth.. this cutie is MARRIED!!!! Urgh!!!

The Jpop icon... Kimutaku

He's originally from a boyband.. called.... er..... watever.. no one cares anyway.. all we noe is he's Kimutaku.. haha No lar.. his band is called Smap. But he's the most popular of them anyway

This guy.. from Tokio... Called Nagase Tomoya

This time round, guys and girls can go knock their heads against the wall together.. cos.. guess who his girlfren is?? Yeah.. okok I bet 90% of u pple out there noe.. Ayumi..

Woohoo!! Won't u juz check out this guy?! Fujiki Naohito!!

Acted in GTO and Love Revolution.. of cos.. most famous for his role in Love Revolution.. He's prob the only guy I like for his maturity!!! Yeah.. check him out when he dons a suit.. droooolllllzzzzz!!

AaaaaAAAAaaaahhhhh!!!!! Takeshi!!!!!!

Think I dun have to say much abt him.. 99.999% of all females out there noe all there is to noe abt him. Yeah.. personally prefer him with short hair.. but.. this long hair pic looks not bad too.. seems like there's a limit to the number of pictures I can post.. still had a few more.. but nvm.. post them tmr!

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